School is finally over! Today started Millie and I's summer of fun together! We're going to get some major bonding time in. We haven't been doing too much lately, just hanging out. But we're going to go crazy this summer if anyone would like to join us. I'm sure we'll have to visit Casey at work a lot so he doesn't feel left out.
If anyone has ideas of what I can do with Millie that she would like, let me know.
I'm also super excited because I got a new job for next school year! I love it when things just work out in the end the way they are supposed to. All that worry and stress is over (at least for right now). I get to keep working part time which I am very happy about. It's in the Canyons district and I'll be helping teachers with their assessments, analyzing data, and setting up interventions. I think that's what I'm doing at least, I'm not really sure yet. I'm so excited for a change and to take a break from the classroom. Now all we need to do is sell our house! Any takers?
Here are a few pics of Amelia. She is getting huge! She is so close to crawling. I know she can do it she just hasn't found the right motivation yet. She is finally saying ma ma a lot and lots of other fun sound combinations. She's just super cute and fun as always.