Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's been a while....

Its been two weeks since my little brother got married and I'm too busy to post any pics. I thought I would throw this one up of my sweet wife. I liked it too much to not play with it.

But it was a great wedding. It was good to dress up and go shake 800 hands of people I don't know. No but really, it was a good time and it was good to be around Mandy's fam a little bit.


Unknown said...

You never told me if any of the pictures I took of you and Alisa ever worked out? I love her baby need to post a picture of that!

Brandi Hyer said...

Just so you know, that post from Amanda was actually me. She was logged onto my computer and I didn't even know it! Sorry!

The Woolf Pack said...

Alisa, you are lookin' gorgeous! Um, where is your prego belly? Mine feels like it is sticking out about a mile. I want to see the baby belly!