Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Days 5 & 6

Me and Alisa are super excited! Amelia lost a little more than normal amounts of weight a few days ago, and now she has gained it all back. He cheeks are getting chubbier and she is looking pretty flippin' cute.

Also she really hadn't pooped since the hospital, so we went and got her some suppositories and it was completely amazing. We put that thing in and she shoot it out across the room with one push!! With it there was about 3 diapers worth of poop. She was sooo happy she slept the rest of the day. We tried to wake her up but she wouldn't. These are probably details you didn't want to hear but we couldn't stop laughing.

She just woke up an hour ago and is looking wide awake. This concerns me because I would like to get some sleep tonight.

This her this morning.

Yesterday morning. She's not really that small I'm just huge!

Amelia with her Great Grandma Hyer


Lori said...

Love the photos of her close up head. So cute!!! And very sweet of her sleeping with her "big" daddy. What a doll she is. Glad she is feeling better and gained her weight back. You guys are cute parents.

Brandi Hyer said...

I think she looks like me! Ok, she doesnt look anything like a Hyer. But she is sure cute! I kind of miss her.

Saunders Family said...

Nope, I'm pretty sure she is just that small! and adorable!

Kim said...

yay poop! she is so cute I'm so glad I got to meet her can't wait to snuggle her again.

The Tregeagles said...

She is so dang cute! Never thought you'd be so excited about your baby pooping huh? Wait, it gets better and better.

Tif said...

She really is so cute! I need to come visit so I can see her cuteness in person.

Tyson and Tahnee said...

I cant wait to hold her. Will i see you guys sunday?

Kristi said...

Awesome!!! Hey Casey what do you charge to take pictures. Need a family picture taken and love your work!!!

Van of the house said...

Casey, you look like a flippin giant. I like your poopin story too. There will be a lot more of those to come.