Just got back from Mexico with Jason. It was super sweet! Here are a few of the highlights from the trip. I didn't take tons of photos because it was just him and me most of the time so we had to belay but oh well.

Not a 12a. We thought it was and found out later that it was 12c. We were worried for a minute that we had turned way week all the sudden. So that made us feel better.

That's right, right out of the tent door of our camp.

This is us on top of the route Time Wave Zero. This was a 21 pitch 12a, well there was only one 12a pitch on pitch 20 and the rest was 5.10 with the occasional 5.11. It was rad to do something this big this fast.

Our feet hurt the next day but Jason's feel were tweaked out, yes that is a triple blister, I didn't know they could do that on top of each other.

Ron Rob Ramboni sending big on Surfa Rosa (13a), We tried it a bit on the last day of our trip. Look how rad those holds are!! This was the best route we got on in our week for sure.