Our little girl is 2 months old today! Here are some things that Casey and I love about Millie in no particular order:
1. her long eyelashes that have finally grown in
2. her growling noises when she is hungry
3. her explosive volcanic spit ups that erupt on Casey causing him to change and shower (and in a moment of desperation, trim his chest hair)
4. holding her in our arms as she drifts off to sleep
5. her little button nose
6. when she sucks on her fists in attack mode
7. her giggle
8. her love of taking a bath (just like her mom)
9. her fascination with ceiling fans and obscure corners of the room. Who knows what she is enamored with half the time. We think she is just looking and talking to her family members who have passed on. Kind of creepy but cool too.
10. her baby smell
11. her receding hairline
12. her petite, lovely little mouth (except for when she is crying, then it grows three time as big and wide)
13. Of course those cubby squeezable cheeks
14. watching her peaceful sleeping face
15. her contagious smile
16. the look on her face when she recognizes herself and me in the mirror
17. the fact that she recognizes Casey and I and our voices and gets happy and calmed when we are near her
18. when she talks to us with her little coos
19. her cuddliness
20. cuddling with her while we both sleep in the early morning
21. her little spastic arms when she is under her play gym
22. her chubby thighs that are coming in quite nicely
23. when she stares at us in the eyes for what seems like forever.
24. when we have staring contests. (she always wins. Do babies not need to blink as often?)
25. her love of holding our hand while we feed her or while she is falling asleep
26. Her sweeter than sweet disposition in the mornings
27. her patience with me
28. her love of her swing
29. her love of getting out of the house (especially being outside)
30. her squeal when she gets excited
31. her alertness
32. her ability to just breath people in when she stares at them
33. her calm, laid back demeanor (for the most part . . . but she is a girl who knows what she wants and what she likes and dislikes)
34. her kicking legs and flailing arms when she is excited (or mad)
35. her really sad face and sad cry
36. Her really angry face
37. her laugh-cry (her lovely combination of a laugh immediately followed by a cry)
38. her love of the hammock
39. her love of the camera ~ She always looks right into the lens when Casey takes her picture. She is already quite the little model
40. Casey especially loves that when he gets home she gets really excited to see him. Even if she is crying, she will stop and smile at him.
41. She loves to sleep (just like her mom) and sleeps at least 9 consecutive hours every night.

Here are things we miss about new born Millie:
1. Her adorable little squeaks
2. her pug dog grunts
3. puckering up her lips and giving us this look

4. her itty bittyness (she is just so hearty now, not so fragile and breakable)
5. casey's way of holding her with her head in his hand and her body resting on one of his arms
6. her ability to sleep through EVERYTHING, even an ice cold Fresca can on her back (we had to get creative)
7. how her body was always in a little ball
8. how she used to stick her tongue out like she was licking the air, sometimes she would even roll her tongue

9. the way she rubbed her feet on Casey's arms while he was feeding her
Here are some nick names she's been given by us:
little one
little one
george forman JR.
squeaky cheese
chubby cheeks (cc)
little lady
sweet cheeks
little Miss Millie
bowling ball
Old Chinese Man (This is the no hair millie)
what an adorable chubby baby! she is wonderfully precious! i love her little beanie hat.
She is so freaking cute!!!!! It is amazing how much she has changed. I didn't realize it until you had the pictures by each other!!
I loved that post - how fun that she has so much personality. You have no idea how excited I am to see her! Just a couple more months...
She is so cute I can't get over her! I just want to come snuggle her and those cheeks. That is such a sweet list you'll love having that to look back on. Isn't it crazy how fast they change!
She really is such a cutie! Crazy how quickly they change, it seems overnight.
She's so adorable! All I can say though, is that I would prefer volcanic spit-ups to volcanic poops. Sometimes Ava has what I call "rocket poop." Sorry, that's gross. You can delete this comment if you want...
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